And then last, but in some sort first, since it has been taken for the imperialinsignia, comes the chrysanthemum.
In the deserted palace the Greek soldiers found sceptre, crown, and sword, the imperialinsignia, and carried them in mockery through the streets.
These things were afterwards placed in the public treasury, together with the imperialinsignia of Charlemagne, which Bonaparte had ordered to be brought from Aix-la-Chapelle.
On another table or stage were placed the Imperialinsignia.
Imperialinsignia, among others the sword of Charlemagne, were already in the Church of Notre Dame.
Uso de imperial regalia en inglés
He was able to sit up now and fumble for the imperialregalia.
So he donned his imperialregalia and sallied forth, taking good care not to be among the first arrivals.
All the European ambassadors were in full uniform, and Maria Theresa was seated on a throne, in all her imperialregalia.
She is in full Imperialregalia, and stops sternly just where she has entered.